Texting to get bus departures

Get bus departure times by text. Anytime. Anywhere. 

    Texting example for next departure time. Texting your route and stop number to JCTS will provide you with the next bus departure time for any given stop. See how below:

  • Step 1: Find your route number and bus stop ID. This information will be located on the bus stop sign (see bus sign example to the left).
  • Step 2: Text "JCTS" followed by the Stop ID and Route to 41411* Example: If you are at stop 1001 on route BL, you would text JCTS 1001 to 41411.
  • Step 3: Receive next departure time.

**Note: To refresh departure times, simply reply "R" to the text received from JCTS. For example, if a text was sent 15 minutes before scheduled departure, the time in the first text may change due to traffic, construction, or other issues. To insure you have the most accurate departure time please reply R and send to receive updated departure times.


  • Message frequency may vary.
  • Message and data rates may apply.
  • Terms and privacy policy: smstc.us/t41411 smstc.us/t41411


To download texting directions Click here.

*Standard carrier charges for text messaging may apply